i am upgrading moodle 2.0 to moodle 2.3. In moodle 2.0 we have turnitin integrated and i have the turnitin account ID and shared Key.
For moodle 2.3 do i have to generate the turnitin accout ID and shared key again.
i have followed http://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Plagiarism_Prevention_Turnitin_Settings#Activation_of_your_Turnitin_Account link but did not generate the shared key and account ID since i am using the old account ID and shared key.
i am getting the following error while saving the account id and shared key using the steps: Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Plagiarism Prevention > Turnitin
error trying to open plagiarism XML file! https://api.turnitin.com/api.asp?utp=2&fcmd=2&fid=1&username=admin&uem=&ufn=Admin&uln=User&uid=admin&dis=0&encrypt=0&diagnostic=0&tem=&upw=&cpw=&ced=&dtdue=&dtstart=&newassign=&newupw=&oid=&pfn=&pln=&ptl=&ptype=&said=&assignid=&assign=&cid=&ctl=&gmtime=20130101103&aid=56307&version=2.3.2%2B%20%28Build%3A%2020120914%29&src=14&md5=87e8b5b1e17a3177da662571cbcd4992&
please help me in this regard,
Thanks in advance.