Hi All,
I am trying to customize assignment submission notification for our teachers.
Quiz module notification comes with a placeholder called review url which is the url to the attempt: emailnotifybody
Dear {$a->username}, {$a->studentname} has completed '{$a->quizname}' ({$a->quizurl}) in course '{$a->coursename}' You can review this attempt at {$a->quizreviewurl}.
Is there a placeholder I can use to achideve the same in assignment submission notification: gradersubmissionupdatedhtm
{$a->username} has updated their assignment submission for <i>'{$a->assignment}' at {$a->timeupdated}</i><br /><br /> It is <a href="{$a->url}">available on the web site</a>.
and gradersubmissionupdatedtext
{$a->username} has updated their assignment submission for '{$a->assignment}' at {$a->timeupdated} It is available here: {$a->url}