I looked further into this and it is not just the Grade Me block that is affected.
I have an example of a student who uploaded a PDF file on July 22nd. The teacher went to the assignment, clicked Edit and Grade. Downloaded the assignment, but is not ready yet to add a grade.
If I now look at all the assignments awaiting grading, this assignment does not show up. Surely mod/assign/view should be showing ungraded assignments, regardless of the file type the student uploaded? If the student uploaded a word document the assignment stays there, just if there is a PDF it disappears.
If I then remove the filter so all assignments are shown I can see the assignment and can see that it has been submitted by the student but not graded yet.
This is a problem within the assign module isn't it? If an assignment disappears from the "Requires Grading" filter then teachers would never know that there were outstanding assignments. I have attached two files - the first is showing the assignment missing when I view assignments awaiting grading, sing the filter on mod/assign/view and the second showing the assignment is there when I take all the filters off.