Re: 2.8 - Download All Assignments/Graded
by Paul Barrett. Although the plugin is available to us, I've been looking at the forums and there doesn't seem to be any information on how to 'export' multiple assignments using the Portfolio...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to give feedback only via a rubric assignment?
by John Provasnik. Three thoughts initially come to mind:1- communicate about the assignment through the "Submission Comments" instead of the 'Feedback Comments'. This can be found on the quick...
View ArticleRe: Teachers feedback hard to find for students?
by John Provasnik. We don't use drafts in our assignments at my school, and our students see the feedback immediately without looking at the previous attempts. So it may come down to the settings --...
View ArticleRe: Assignment automatic feedback
by Sebastian Wz. This doesn't exactly seem to be a highly demanded feature (and there's nothing about it in Moodle Tracker), but I also thought it would be quite useful to have automatic standard...
View ArticleRe: Programing error while grading
by Jeroen Horters. I've opened a ticket here
View ArticleRe: "This assignment is not accepting submissions"
by Mike Swanson. Michael can you please use a screen grab to describe where I can find this option?I can't locate it at all after bumbling around for an hour now.Thank you
View ArticleSvar: Re: Teachers feedback hard to find for students?
by Simon Heissler. intresting John - i got our result both witha) require students click submit "yes" or "no"c) attempts reopend "manual" or "automatic"as long as nothing is reopend - the student can...
View Articlecourse overview: you have assignments pending
by Phil S. I don't get how this is supposed to work.We're a school using the assignment module to remind students of homework.We don't use the online submission or grading part, but it is handy that...
View ArticleRe: Automatically preventing students change submissions after being graded
by Mike Simurdiak. I agree with you in that it would be nice if the assignment was automatically locked after grading. It looks like it was posted to tracker a few years ago and has since been...
View ArticleRe: course overview: you have assignments pending
by Richard Oelmann. It doesn't disappear when the date expires if nothing has been submitted because in situations where the assignment is being used as a genuine online assignment rather than as a...
View ArticleRe: Automatically preventing students change submissions after being graded
by Richard Oelmann. As an admin, alter the default settings so that the cutoff date is 0 days after the due date and enabled, and require students to use the submit button. You could also adjust the...
View ArticleRe: Automatically preventing students change submissions after being graded
by Richard Oelmann. Also - can I please suggest that in a discussion forum the use of such dramatic language is probably not an appropriate way to communicate, in my opinion.'shock and horror',...
View ArticleRe: Svar: Re: Teachers feedback hard to find for students?
by John Provasnik. Yes, and it looks like the biggest difference is we use 'never' for attemps reopened. We don't have students recent until they pass we simply just have them resubmit a brand-new...
View ArticleRe: Svar: Re: Teachers feedback hard to find for students?
by John Provasnik. But just to be clear - when a teacher grades and adds feedback to a resubmission, students still has to look at the previous attempts to see old feedback.
View ArticleSvar: Re: Svar: Re: Teachers feedback hard to find for students?
by Simon Heissler. ok - that´s a different usecase.
View ArticlePeoblem with assignment
by aa ya. I everybodyI encounter a crucial problem with assignment in moodle 2.9.I ve tried many options but no way?the problem in that when students want to submit their assignment they have to...
View ArticleRe: Double marking strategies
by Joel Armando. Hi Dave,Can I ask you how do you allocate two markers to one assignment? I'm trying to do the same, but when I assign the second marker the first one disappear.Thank you very much,Joel
View ArticleRe: Peoblem with assignment
by Richard Oelmann. It sounds like you have your group submission settings mixed up
View ArticleDifferent assignment text for different groups
by Martin Mastny. Hello,I'd like students to complete the assignment in groups (which can be done) but with a slightly different text of assignment for each group.Can somebody summarize/link a way how...
View ArticleRe: Different assignment text for different groups
by Emma Richardson. You would create a separate assignment for each group and then in the restriction settings, add a restriction so that it is only available to the specific group members.
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