Sorry Rob, we are on opposite sides of the globe so there is a 'slight' lag in my response.
I did not mean to try and use a 'score' from the Choice activity, but to use it to:
- keep track of who has selected the choice
- who has not selected the choice
- completion tracking for making a choice
Scenario: I have four assignment activities and I want my students to complete any three of the four. I create four choice activities and four assignment activities, with each choice paired with an assignment. In my test site I have each pair of assignments in their own topic, just for 'looks.'
Each of the four choice activities has a restriction set that prevents access unless at least one other choice has not been completed. Selecting a choice automatically triggers completion of that Choice activity.
Each activity has two restriction sets. One prevents access unless it's corresponding Choice has been completed. The other prevents access unless at least one other assignment activity has not been completed. Assignment completion is automatic once the student views the activity as they can't view it unless they picked it's Choice. In the past I tried to use/include grade as part of the restriction, but a quick student and a slow grading teacher makes it possible for the student to do too much.
I have a test site I can give access to if you would like where I have this set up. It is Moodle 3.1beta where Dan McGuire and I are playing with competencies. Send an email or PM for details on how to access the site.