I would like to report the following problem that we are encountering after upgrading to the latest versión of Turnitin 2 (2016011104).
The Turnitin API that we are using is api.turnitinuk.com and the Turnitin Connection test between Moodle and Turnitin 2 runs fine.
However, when users try to upload their files (any file size), it seems that Turnitin runs into some kind of loop where the uploading page remains for ever, with the message of “Uploading file”.
I have enabled the diagnostic mode in Turnitin 2 and the Network Performance Logging to Yes, and the log files show the error attached below.
Have anybody else also experienced this problem? We are running Moodle 2.6, and the documentation states that the plug-in supports that version.
Thank you very much if you can provide any advice.
Mari Cruz
Fault Code: invaliddata | File: F:\moodle\mod\turnitintooltwo\sdk\submissionsoap.class.php | Line: 31 | Message: Data type error. | Code: 0
2016-03-15 16:04:28 +0300 (REQUEST) - Action: submission | Id: 4 | Part: 0
2016-03-15 16:04:30 +0300 (REQUEST) - User 176 (4147697) joined to class (2813651)
2016-03-15 16:04:56 +0300 (REQUEST) - Action: manualsubmission | Id: 57 | Part: 0
2016-03-15 16:05:40 +0300 (API_ERROR) - There was an error when trying to get a submission from Turnitin
Fault Code: invaliddata | File: F:\moodle\mod\turnitintooltwo\sdk\submissionsoap.class.php | Line: 31 | Message: Data type error. | Code: 0