Our students are having problems seeing feedback on their Turnitin assignments and are getting the error message
"The GradeMark service is not available for this paper.
A problem occurred when processing the applicationURL."
We are using Moodle 2.8, and create Moodle assignments with the turnitin options. We were on Turnitin Moodle Direct
v2 2015040110, but I updated this after the problem occurred to 2015040111
hoping that this would solve the problem, but it didn’t. I have submitted this
as a ticket to Turnitin support, but since doing that I have looked at the
assignments by logging in direct to Turnitin.com and noticed the following.
The post date for the module seems be setting itself 6 months in the future. If I set it to today, the change is saved, but when I connect in via moodle either as a student or as an instructor, the post date is changed. Each time I connect in the date is moved forward, eg 5 minutes ago it was 11-Jul-2016 4:58pm, but I just connected in again via Moodle and then checked on Turnitin.com and the post date moved to 11-Jul-2016 5:01pm.
Ken Farrimond