Sorry about that Jay but the only way any advanced grading plugin can be installed is by mangling with the database directly. This is due to a limitation in the Moodle API. I did some playing around a year or so back to try to work out why this was and even to create some code that could be used to install but it defeated me. I suspect that if you remove/move the folder with the files and then remove the line found by this query
SELECT * FROM mdl_config_plugins where plugin='gradingform_btec'
It would appear to dissapear (though the tables would still be there which might make re-installing it interesting). I recommend trying on a local scratch install of Moodle first if you can just to be sure
If that all sounds to much then contact me directly. I have been working on a new version recently which represents a slight tweaking to the interface (with some error trapping), and a progress report, i.e. a table with an overview of the criteria met by students in an individual course. Could be a while before I deliver release code however.
(A day or so ago I had a quick peek to see if Moodle 3 had fixed this oversight, but it appears not)