Thanks for your response Marcus. My post was referring to how it currently works. We have to add in the extra criteria levels to make sure that the correct grade is given. We would like it to give the actual grade achieved and where the criteria was not met then a Refer grade to be given without adding in extra criteria for the other levels.
For example:
An assignment with Merit only criteria set
Learner achieves the Merit criteria but is given a Distinction grade. Distinction criteria needs to be added and set to No for the Merit grade to be given.
Lerner does not acheive the Merit grade but is given a Pass grade. Pass criteria needs to be added and set to No for the Refer grade to be given BUT now for learners who do achieve the Merit grade the teacher has to mark the Pass criteria as Yes otherwise they will also receive a Refer grade.
What we would like is to be able to setup just Merit criteria and a Merit grade be given if achieved and a Refer given if the criteria is not achieved without having to add in the extra criteria levels.
As my colleague Paul says above we would be interested in trying out the new code when you are able to post it on Github.