I have a related question:
I made what I considered to be a minor change to a rubric after having graded some students' works. The changes I made were mainly to have a couple more levels in scoring in two categories (as I found myself overriding the set level scores to give a different number of points in some cases).
A message popped up asking if I would regrade earlier works. Since I thought there was no need, I clicked on the option to not regrade, thinking that would save me time.
I then noticed that I had made an error in grading one student's work. The error had nothing to do with the updates I had made to the rubric. I wanted to go back and regrade it, but the rubric was now locked and was not allowing me to select a different set of scores. I could still override the final grade and correct it in its gradebook entry, but I was not able to regrade using the rubric. I did not think that selecting the "do not regrade" option would lock me into a mode where no edits to the rubric scores would be possible. I explained the situation to the student in the feedback area and overrode the final grade to insert the correct grade, but I am bothered by the fact that there appears to be no way to edit the scores on the rubric so that the student can clearly see what her scores are for each category per the rubric.
In addition, the assignment status shows it as "draft" for some reason. It is not a draft, but I cannot change that either. I clicked on "unlock submission" but no luck.